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Showing posts from January, 2015

My Thoughts on "American Sniper"... and My Regards to San Diego

First off, let me just say that the success that the movie American Sniper has had... has brought me tremendous joy on a personal and post-military level. When Chris Kyle was senselessly killed, I felt the only thing I could do as a proud veteran of my country was to immediately buy a new copy of his book, American Sniper . And I did. I cannot promise you a gemstone in my writing today, nor do I wish to spoil the plot for anyone that has yet to see this film... but I will admit freely the moments that stirred my patriotic emotions the most. There is a scene of a graveside ceremony for a fallen Navy SEAL. I wept. There were gun salutes, Navy dress uniforms and the proper folding of our nation's flag. I wept even more. TAPS was played. I refused to hold back my sobs. The way this depiction of war captures the spirit and realism of brotherhood in our armed forces cannot be denied. There is a scene that resembles BUDS training that our SEALS are to endure, showing these warriors ...